by Mo~ » Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:30 am
I was put in speech therapy in the 70's for having a drawl. I was born in WY but I learned to talk from my parents who were raised in the South. As Mom worked her way up as a professional, she learned to cover hers. Still, it pissed her off when she found out I was in speech therapy and she knew exactly why(they claimed I had a lisp and they were full of shit). She got me pulled from the sessions, but I learned to cover my accent. It still comes out when I'm pissed, tired or I've been talking with my family or other Southerners.
People thinking Southerners are low-class, ignorant racists has been a long held belief and those of us who have career goals outside of the South have long known we need to cover our accents.