The House GOP doesn't want reform, but the GOP constituents do.
[quote]The Democratic-controlled Senate last year passed a bipartisan illegal immigration bill that included an eventual pathway towards citizenship for most of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. According to the poll, more than eight in 10 support such a plan. There is little partisan divide, with 88% of Democrats, 81% of independents and
72% of Republicans in agreement.[/quote]
[quote]One idea House Republicans are considering is giving undocumented immigrants legal status to stay in the U.S., but not allow them a pathway towards citizenship. According to the survey, only 35% support such an idea, with just over six in 10 opposed. Again, there was no partisan divide, with two-thirds of Democrats and
around six in 10 independents and Republicans opposing such a plan.[/quote] ... -security/The GOP leaders know that more immigrants having votes = less GOP votes so they're against it. But normal people who are republicans don't give a shit and don't agree with current policy, votes be damned.
The current GOP in Washington is simply an extremist party thanks to an extreme base. The actual party itself is much more moderate along with the rest of the country. It's a shame, really.