by Indy » Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:18 am
I think it never became more clear than it did this week with slippery Don Lemon on CNN staging a shriek-fest between two women on-air about Clarence Thomas' (really?!) "Northern liberal elite" comments.
Oh, let me guess: you had one woman on the "right" who defended him to the death, the other woman on the "left" who said he was a tool, and it quickly descended into a Jerry Springer-quality shouting match complete with split screen (as there always is--notice that?) after which Slippery Don informed us that race is really a hot topic in this country.
No, Don: race is ALLEGEDLY a hot topic when you stage a brawl like Jerry Springer and then draw inaccurate conclusions from it. Jerry loved to put them NAACP guys on stage with the KKK guys and watch as the fireworks began.
As I always ask in these things: where is there ever that third person? The indy? The Libertarian? F*** I don't care at this point but ANYone who will give us a perspective other than the two that are diametrically opposed to each other, thus canceling them both out.
Perhaps we should coin a term here: we'll call it "Zero Sum Journalism"--where every issue ends up in the same place, a stalemate, because the staged "debate" simply consists of combining matter with anti-matter and then so-called "journalists" like Slippery Don stand there and drop knowledge on us like: "Whoa well apparently that's an emotional topic!"