More Desk Thread exerpt minus the pics of Lil's fake home -
Lil wolf wrote:
Now I am going to address this little thing that you all are having so much fun with... now pardon my temperment here.
In the business i am in I will not show you my office at my place of business, but to give a couple of folks here an idea.... I am not that poor that i cannot afford the uK firm to design anything. I got what I got from an importer so be it... legally with all i do I cannot put that photo in so I am going to show you my home office and my home since a couple of you said I could not afford it... wanna bet Mad
Now onto other things here:
Library front view
library bookcases in the house I can't afford...
My own library in my friggin house...
Me in my own friggin library...
Me standing in my friggin library...
Our a problem as yet?
This is sharon and I in our house on the center balcony that faces the rea of the house..... our friggin house...
Balcony in center that faces front of the house.....our friggin house....
Our front dining our house...
My friggin bar in my house...
the rec room... in my house...
Master bedroom in my friggin house....
front entry area...foyer...front door is to the left...
stairwell that leads up to my friggin library....
Our front living room...and yes sharon plays the our friggin house..
looking west from the upper balcony
Now I have been polite and I really do not care if any one of you think what you want to think... I am not broke, but I have worked hard all my life and I have earned everything that I own.... wise investments is what did it. Smart thinking and all, which a couple of folks seem to be a little short on...
Now I have been polits as I said and I would be more than happy to post other photos of my friggin home to some of you animals.
But there is one thing you can bet on and that is this.... I own my own home and evry god d*** thing in it free and clear.
I am not the richest SOB in the state but I do have money and more than enough to hire some cheesexdick outfit like Neville and coproration to do what ever I need done.
Now if that does not float your boats right learn to live with it...
By the way folks I have hard wood floors throughout and I do not wear my cowboy boots in my home.... NEVER... so if that creates a problem for some of with it I do.
I understand all of what was said and I do accept what ever you thought... In the end though I could really care less. In closing this tirade off I will not be attacking any of you personally after this tirade...but rest assured this is my f****** house and it is my home.
Two last photos for some of you folks....
FRONT F*****G view of my home
REAR F*****G view of my home
And with all that said you all have a nice f*****g night.