I recently decided to be proactive about my life and apply to teach abroad. I want to teach either chemistry or physics as I have a background in both academically and as a teacher. I just don't know where to start. I realize most international schools are English-oriented, but I'm intimidated by the idea of living somewhere where I don't know the language by heart - although this, too, would be my learning experience. I know some Spanish and Mandarin - if I took out my old textbooks I could probably communicate on a first grade level in Spanish and as a 4 year old in Chinese. =p
Any suggestions?
BA in Physics
3 years of teaching experience; prior education experience as a special ed aid.
Biggest resume catch is that I built digital lessons where students get randomly generated questions from a bank I created. My classes aren't 'flipped' or anything, but instead of worksheets or lab sheets, my students complete online modules. This allows for instant feedback, students can't copy off each other (thus they talk about methods instead of just answers), I can instantly see which students are slacking off, and I can even run my class as a Montessori learning environment where students finish assignment 1 with at least a B before going to assignment 2. My test averages are now 8-12 points higher. I know how to code using HTML, PHP, and CSS and I've been working with Photoshop since 6th grade. All of my material is unique. My 'regular' class now learns more than many college freshmen taking chemistry know.
One lol-worthy moment came last semester when I had to get a sub last second. While at home I checked on my students' progress, saw that one had opened the activity but didn't answer a single question in the last 45 minutes, and called up to my classroom to bark orders at him.