The entrance of the US into WWII is generally regarded by US politicians as a positive decision. Many US citizens also consider it a good decision, especially learning about the atrocities of Nazi Germany. But if a similar scenario were to arise now, would you be in favor a decision to enter a war with Nazi Germany?
For this scenario assume the following:
1. WWII did not happen, so at this point we do not have any references to that scale of war or any atrocities committed by prior empires.
2. The US military technology is at its current level.
3. Germany is engaged in war with UK and France, and so far it looks like neither side is advancing.
4. The military capacity of Germany, UK and France relative to the US is at the level it was during the years prior to the actual WWII. (Assuming Germany had superior technology to the US before WWII, we would assume Germany has superior technology to the US now).
5. Germany has signed a non-aggression pact with Russia. We don't know whether they'd honor it.
6. All sides have nuclear weapons, but so far no side has chosen to use it. The involvement of the US may change that dynamic.