God this thread. I come back and read through all of today's douchebaggery. Try to write a couple of posts and give it up as futile.
Its like a big school yard. Ex is crying his eyes out and throwing a tantrum, calling everyone names because those nasty American bullies keep stealing his lunch money. Every day its the same thing. Kane is shaking him by the shoulders and slapping him in the face saying, "Snap out of it! Shit! Grow a pair!" Prof is standing off to the side with his mouth hanging open like, "WTF is wrong with you idiots?!" Dylan is all "lolwtf lolololol!". Dharma is over in the corner with drool coming out of one corner of his mouth banging his head on a fence post going, DEEEERRRRRRP! Murican Sepshulizm! *twitch* DEEEERRRRRP! I am the enlightened one! You are stupid racists! DEEEEERRRRRRP! *twitch*
Internet, how I lovehate thee.