Shows how much you know about it.
Tipping restaurant staff for good service is one thing, but someone in a coffee shop brings me a glass of water I didn't want or ask for, is quite another.
Or when someone opens a door I was about to open myself.
There's far too much of it and I'm not playing along.
I hate it because it’s an obligation masquerading as an option, and a bizarre singling-out of one person’s compensation, just dangling there, clumsily, outside the cost of my meal. I hate it for the postprandial math it requires of me. But mostly, I hate tipping because I believe that I would be in a better place – as a diner, and as a human – if pay decisions regarding employees were simply left up to their employers, as is the custom in virtually every other industry, in pretty much every civilized corner of the earth.
Quite right.