by Professor » Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:03 am
OK, I think that this actually is being made into a bigger deal that it actually is.
According to CNN this morning, the CURRENT law says that a donor may only give up to $2600 to any one candidate, and may give no more than $48,600 to all candidates combined. In other words, if a person gives the $2600 max donation to as many candidates as possible, then they may only donate to 19 candidates (18 candidates at $2600, and 1 candidate at $1800). This ruling KEEPS the $2600 limit, but says that a donor may contribute to as many candidates as s/he wants.
In other words, we don't have to worry about a single donor giving $1 million to a candidate to "buy" their vote. It simply means that he can give $2600 to as many candidates as s/he wants. I think that most rational people would agree that, when a successful run for a House seat costs $1.6 million and a Senate seat costs $10.4 million, a measly $2600 donation (0.1% of a House seat and 0.025% of a Senate seat) isn't going to buy a vote. So if it's not going to buy a vote for 18 candidates, how is it going to buy any votes for >18 candidates?