Here is interesting official documentation of another issue, separate in one important way, but obviously closely related: ... secretary/invaluable scientific information regarding control and manipulation of the German population was exchanged for the lives of major war criminals and later informed techniques used in the US was a decades long study in torture and is responsible for crimes against humanity that are among the most egregious in history. The results of the studies findings? They are now at work in illegal "black" prisons all over the world.
This usage has backfired in certain cases such as that at Abu Ghraib, a breaking news story that unintentionally became a source of domestic blowback against the widespread practice of torture that was being introduced.
These technical developments have long been obscured by a tidal wave of rumor and innuendo in the form of lurid tales of UFO conspiracy or government mind control experiments and what have you. All simply disinformation spread by useful idiots which intelligence agencies have groomed for the task of covering up the greatest consolidation of political power in history from the taxbase that is funding it and whom toward the effort is mainly targeted. Don't think that any of this means because you live in the US you will be sharing in this windfall because nationalist boundaries and beliefs are for controlling populations only. (divide and conquer in the most literal sense)
As we get farther and farther in time from the calamity that was WWII the bigger picture of what actually drove that conflict is coming into focus.
And it is not a pretty picture book portrayal of ultimate good against ultimate evil. An absurdist portrait of human folly and misdeeds in aggregate is closer to the truth.