Well, this site (http://sermountaingoat.co.uk/)(http://sermountaingoat.co.uk/timeline/info/travel.xls) lists distance between cities. It lists the distance between King's Landing and The Eyrie as 990 (assuming miles). When Baelish travels there with Sansa, it seems to happen relatively concurrently with other events in the book. Yet, such a journey would take over a month.
But, that could be just an artifact of the book. GRRM could just be taking literary license when he talks about Baelish leaving KL in one chapter, then there are a couple of intervening chapters that take a mere few days, then the next chapter on Baelish has him in The Eyrie.
The spreadsheet mentioned above certainly has large distances between Sunspear and Winterfell (3885 miles), which is close to the scale of Earth.