As I've said before, those right wing armed morons who show up en masse over a cattle grazing dispute I easily defeat with my checkbook and dark money.
You can have all the guns you want and I figured that out years ago. You'll only shoot each other with them, or yourself. And if I think you're getting a whiff of reality I'll send you off on your next years-long wild goose chase, like how Obamacare is a plot to take your guns. Or how everything "liberal" is, really.
Brother, if I wanted your guns, I would have taken them already. I can take them at will. I can surveil you as I see fit, I can plant a drug rap on you to take your cars, homes and yes, guns and I can always label you a terrorist and ship you off to Gitmo.
I own your gov't and the laws for you are whatever I say they are, which are different for me.
Oligarchy/plutocracy: when you absolutely, positively need to take over a superpower without firing a shot.