by Professor » Thu May 01, 2014 8:06 am
Why did we ever start down the "lethal injection" route in the first place? I get that it "might" be better than the electric chair. Or hanging. Or some other methods used previously. But, it's far from perfect.
When you cut someone's head off, there is a chance that they continue to have brain function for a while (though I doubt it - see below). If you shoot them in the head, there's a chance that the bullet may not hit anything vital and instead render them a vegetable.
So, what is the best, most sure-fire, way to kill a person? I'd say putting their head into a 10-ton press and crushing it to about 5mm thickness. We have plenty of industrial machines that would do this. So, why don't we use it?
I think it's because we (external observers, the public, etc.) don't want to deal with that imagery, the mess afterwards, etc. Therefore, I'm forced to conclude that lethal injection is not meant to be humane for the executed, but instead is meant to spare everyone else. And, that's effed up. If we, as a society, are willing to kill someone, we should have to deal with the aftermath - crushed head and all. Either that, or don't do it.
Brain function - I used to think that the brain could continue to function without oxygen or blood pumping, because people can live after not breathing or having a beating heart for minutes. However, I've been taking jiu jitsu lately, and when I'm put into a triangle hold, I lose consciousness in between 3 and 5 seconds. And, everyone we've trained with is the same in that regard.)