How would you feel if your company changed its policy that effectively gives you and some of those in your department a boost in salary? I'd use the IT support department for my example, but you can apply it to any department.
Let's pretend you are into the third year of working with the company's IT department. The company's HR guideline for the past three years would be to offer $45,000 annual salary for incoming IT support technicians, and that's what you and your co-workers got. You've been performing above average, and as a result have received a 5% annual increase instead of the standard 3%, which brings your current salary to ~$49,600 per year.
However, the company changed its guidelines this year to offer $50,000 for incoming IT support technicians and anyone making below that amount would receive an IMMEDIATE raise to that amount. How would you feel about this decision? On one hand, your salary would be around $400 per year more than you previous thought. But on the other hand, the work you've put in to gain that 5% raise each year is effectively negated since those who didn't perform as well will now get the same amount as you. Do you feel happier or less happy after hearing this new?
Would your feelings be different if the guideline was to set the new salary to $49,000 so your salary won't be affected? If it is different, would it be for the better or for the worse? What about for a new guideline of $55,000?