by Mo~ » Tue May 06, 2014 1:25 pm
[quote="Philly2"Aren't you a resident of America?[/quote]
If something is going on that needs dealt with it would go up through the levels of government from city then to county then to state then to federal levels. If something went to my federal rep and they felt my presence or speaking before the US Congress would have an effect, then I would be invited to speak before The US Congress. It does happen. Not much different than a business really. You don't go straight to the Company President with a problem. You move it up the company ladder.
Also, In God We Trust being added to the currency and Under God was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in the 1950s during The Red Scare/McCarthyism in order to distinguish Americans from those "Godless" Communists. I do think it has had the opposite effect of dividing us into "My God" "Your God" and "Nobody's God" types rather than uniting us as Americans. Most, like myself, don't make a big deal out of it, but those who do just increase our divisions.