well china has been asserting it's authority over all of the south china sea, there was that incident with the phillipines a few weeks back, under the cover of crimea. it was over a tiny strip of land
china has absolutely no claim to it other than there was a map someone from china drew up like 50 years ago and said "this is all of chinas". it's called the "nine dash line" because there were nine dashes drawn. ergo, it's china's. it had no land there, it jsut claimed the whole sea, this is within phillipines international borders for laws of the sea (and vietnam, and brunei, and malyasia).
yeah, that looks like it's totally in the chinese waters. the sea is called south china sea. if it wasn't china's then why is it called the south china sea?
manilla even beached an old us ship on this strip of land, and they keep a detail of a few troops, to reinforce their claim. it's theirs. i don't know what the hell china thinks is theirs about it, but they were trying to stop the resupply of the fillipinos there