Non is quite cautious about this subject. Actual sexual predation (as in a stranger goes out, grabs a girl, and forces her to have sex) is pretty rare.
The vast majority of sexual assaults take place between people with relationships and the majority of sexual assaults don't rise to the traditional or legal definition of rape (forced sex). That's why the "questioning" of victims is so common, especially when there is little or no physical evidence to back up their claims.
not really sure what to do, most of the women I've have close relationships with have at least had brushes with sexual assault, mostly from people they knew. The law is pretty much as harsh and pro-victim as it can be without seriously violating due process. ... -pay-2-6m/also there are some indications that hyper-sexuality is decreases the incidents of sexual assault. ... _rape.html(shrug) maybe ban frats and make krav maga for girls mandatory.