I heard this detailed argument against Brown vs EMA from a gamer.
Unfortunately, all the demonstrations in the world won’t make any difference. The US government has massive double standards and blind spots when it comes to video games, and will think nothing of coming up with incredibly convoluted excuses as to why games don’t deserve the same free speech protections awarded to other mediums.
Like every branch of the US government, the supreme court is staffed entirely with old people who don’t know and don’t WANT to know anything about video games. Like all the other branches, they will happily toss out all semblance of logic and reason in order to differentiate video games from every other medium.
So, this blatantly unconstitutional law will be upheld, and Wal-Mart will stop carrying any video game rated M, and probably even T. And since American game publishers won’t greenlight any game that Wal-Mart won’t carry, this will effectively demolish the American games industry, causing a mass exodus to Europe and Japan (and since Atkinson is finally retiring, Australia as well). Wave bye-bye to the Xbox 360, as well as the FPS genre in general (since they are an almost uniquely American genre).
If the gamer is right and if Brown vs EMA was passed how would you feel about this entire medium being reduced to mere children's toys? And I think every American gamer would want to behead every Congress person. Most people in the US Military play m rated games. The video gamer militia combined with our military would destroy the US Government.