by Clarino » Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:23 am
Get used to it.
If the tories don't win an outright majority at the next election there will be another coalition.
And this one will almost certainly last five years, because the LIb Dems don't want to leave power early. No way they are getting into government again any time soon.
As for the deficit reduction, it's the only thing keeping us viable as an economy right now. The simple fact is that Osborne wouldn't have been able to borrow that money without the deficit reduction plan. The global economy is one great big bear market right now, and all things considered the UK is doing as well as could be expected.
Labour might piss and moan about "too far too fast" and the need to spend to stimulate growth, but they know damn well that they'd be doing the exact same thing that the coalition is doing and that's why you will never get Balls or Milibean to answer the question "what would you cut"?
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx