This guy takes Philly's Idea and shows how really ridiculous it is. He makes a stone broad head and primitive bow and tries to shoot a deer only injuring the deer leaving behind a stone arrow head in the deers upper side. This deer probably died of infection. If this man had used a modern bow which is not only more accurate but more powerful the arrow would have been on target and gone through killing the animal cleanly. I only know one man who can actually hunt and take deer with primitive tools and his name is Scott Moore. On several bow hunting sites I have asked for video on primitive hunting and there just isn't much out there. Not only is it unethical to use non lethal weapons to hunt but it is also dangerous. Deer can and will injure humans. This next picture is of a great dog who defends this woman's garden but Bambi attacks anyway. Philly, feel free to duke it out a Whitetail buck. I would love to see the footage. As for me ? Ill use a modern firearm or bow and harvest animals ethically. ... re=related