by Indy » Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:34 pm
Equipment? Really? Although Blackhawks and tanks? Did they really get some? WTF were we doing giving the Iraqis Blackhawks?
Point: let's see we armed these guys (bad idea) and trained them (either poorly, or they were untrainable) and then we helped set up a corrupt gov't run by a twit whose bright idea was to EXCLUDE the Sunni population and, ta-da!
What a shock that this didn't work.
Of course, this war was lost before it was even fought back starting in 2003 because there was no post-invasion plan, this was merely a wargasm for president Cheney, all the PNAC goons and blue pill-popping geriatric warmongers like John McCain.
So now that we see how this has turned out (entirely predictable, but if you said this back in '04 you were slammed as a spineless liberal coward who wanted to "cut n' run"), hmmm... what other instances can we think of where we've been in a country for around a decade, spent billions upon billions to train their clownish military and which also has a corrupt gov't that we helped set up, run by a twit? Does anybody think that will turn out any differently?