Speaking of abortion, I'm reading a book right now that talks about it. They analyzed the possible causes of the crime rate drop in the 90s. They looked at the following factors:
- tighter gun laws
- surging economy
- more capital punishment
- more police officers
- more people sent to prison
- decline of crack-cocaine market
While they did find that more officers and people in prison had some effect (surprisingly, the economy was actually a non-factor, as crime did not soar during the great recession), none of those factors accounted for the entire drop. You know what did? Abortion.
Basically, as abortion rates grew from a few hundred illegal abortions to 1.8 million legal abortions, and those abortions were occurring in mainly disadvantaged households (the types where kids typically turn to crime - low-income, single-parent, etc.), there were simply fewer people for whom crime seemed the only answer.