by Mr.Bill » Sat Jul 26, 2014 11:31 am
When you think about it right NOW there's little incentive for Manziel to kill himself trying to be an NLF starting QB..
1) it's the Browns.. I doubt that was Manziels 1st choice of a team to go to. Probably not his top 15 choice..
2) the Browns already announced Manziel will not be their starter this year..
3) even though he hasn't done a damn thing in the NFL he's already a top 5 'most popular player'.. They have a 'Manziel watch' already..
4) from what I've read about him over the past 2 years or so Manziel is pretty much an a'hole.
IMO he's probably going to coast this year, and be the 3rd string starter QB on the Browns. Which is OK because his name will still be out there in the media, so for this year he'll still be 'Johnny Football'.. But once that starts to fade? Then he'll have to kick it in, he'll have to buckle down and try... Of course there is a danger in waiting to 'kick it in'..Seeing him rolling bills in a mens room bar means in 1 year or so he might not even be in the NFL..