How about this: [url=] the NRA insuring that the CDC never does a comprehensive study into gun violence in the U.S.
First Amendment huh?
Why would they be allowed to prevent a MEDICAL organization from doing a study?
Oh, that's right, because the only viewpoint they'll tolerate is "Guns are great," "Isn't the 2nd Amendment wonderful?" and other happy-talk aka propaganda that boosts their cause?
And don't even try to jerk me around about what the NRA "really" is--I'm not new. Speaking of which, the majority of their members SUPPORT restrictions to those involved in stalking/domestic abuse and they still fight it.
So just whom are they representing exactly?
How about their bizarre reaction to smart guns? Who would be against that? Oh yeah, the NRA.
The only narrative allowed by these people is that when we speak of guns it's a sign of our "liberty" and why, if there's gun violence running rampant, of course the solution is to pump even more guns and ammo into the mix. And that's not propaganda an industry flack couldn't dream up any better huh?