modern artillery is not inaccurate. the Pzh 2000, for example, can fire 3 shells back to back and have them all hit the same exact target simultaneously from different trajectories. this isn't unique to germany, however. south africa, for example, has the most terrifying artillery piece in existence with it's ridiculous rate of fire and accuracy. if south africa is able to produce artillery like this, so is israel.
and a quick look at israel's equipment indicates they have drones designed specifically for artillery spotting as well as 600 of the american made m109 paladin, which is absolutely capable of the accuracy i've described.
and what i suggested is using them all the time, not just when israel decides they want to invade gaza. hamas launches a rocket? instantly destroy the position. i'd be a lot more okay with israel doing that then how they currently operate. plus maybe their crews would know how to operate artillery properly since your link seems to suggest the IDF is half retarded when it comes to that.