by exploited » Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:47 am
Domestic violence and stalking are different beasts altogether. Only half of stalking revolves around past partners. Further, the evidence required to prove stalking is far harder to compile. Some dude smacks a chick, there will be marks. There may be eye witnesses. But stalking cases require surveillance. Video evidence. Movement logs, eyewitness testimony establishing a routine harassment, etc.
I have no idea why you are conflating the two. It is bewildering. LEOs most certainly haven't done all they can do. Most reports are made over the phone and the alleged victim never even sees a cop. If they do, they are advised to make the case themselves, by keeping a diary and using video evidence. Of course that isn't enough for a conviction. So what you need is a restraining order - if it is ex parte, you'll be able to do something, if it requires a hearing with evidence, you're screwed. All of this being far more grievious to an innocent accused rights than simply having police investigate properly.