No, really, it doesn't make sense. I'm not sure how a single bit of what you said applies to what I've said in this thread.
I don't care about what you don't do on the international stage, so obviously it isn't a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. For instance, if America decided not to bomb ISIS, that is 100% your decision, and I'm cool with it. If you decided not to knock over Afghanistan and Iraq, I wouldn't be looking down on you or demanding you send in the troops. If you guys want to cut your military spending in half, I think it would be a good thing. Put that money into infrastructure or research and development, or just lower taxes, whatever. I don't care. The issue is that you guys want global influence, and you want to make the dominant impact on global affairs. In order to do that, you need money and weapons, and you have the most of both. That is a conscious decision on your part. You guys don't need to play this role, and I certainly don't ask you to.