as you all know i'm a big capitalist but what i don't like about apple is that they are, as a mindset and a company, a cartoon of the ills and excesses of capitalism
for example they'll talk about how they have a Retina Display and talk about how amazing it is.... when it was released it had lower PPI than competing android devices. now they roll out ApplePay, the same thing i've had for years on android, and it's like it's MAGIC. they whip up their drones into a buying frenzy. they are built around how cool and awesome their products are because they told you they are cool and awesome. they literally cannot just release something so other people try it first, they have to have a giant production about it. this is so that they get people buying their overpriced crap. they charge exorbitant prices for taking other people's innovations and presenting them in a different format. apple is abercrombie and fitch, and that's all it ever will be.

Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.