by Kane » Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:20 am
F*ck you guys.
I saw Dredd tonight (Not in 3D - kinda wish I had now).
Wow. Just wow. Dredd might be the most violent movie I've seen in the states with an "R" rating. I do not know how the MPAA didn't slap an "NC-17" label on this thing. I had low expectations going in and just wanted to see a kickass judge kick some major ass....holy f*ck did I get that in spades. And some of the scenes take advantage of the rampant gore with 3D, I'm sure of it. Several scenes were made for 3D, it's fairly obvious but also looks like it'd work really well. Much of the slow motion scenes make sense because a part of the movie involves the introduction of a drug that slows down time for the users, like being able to sit still and see the wings of the a hummingbird flap.
Not a bad movie, very surprised. I'm also wondering if there's a directors cut and what in the hell they could've left out.