by Philly » Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:14 pm
Also want to mention: Here in NYC i see a lot of Giants weasels crawling out of their hole after last week's game against the Slurs, trying to pretend they haven't been hiding in shame since last season.
My take: The Giants suck. All of a sudden they manage one decisive win against DC and they're ringing the bells, declaring that Eli is still legit after all. It's a division game, against the wackest game in the division. I'll break that down for any Giants fans reading this: these division games are very important to win when the records get tallied at the end of the year, but they're an awful indicator of how good your team actually is. I don't have the stats in front of me, but my years of watching NFL seasons tell me that it's no small thing to sweep a division rival (and keep in mind that "sweep only means winning 2 games) even if you're a significantly better game. Division games are weird and haunted and shit. Next 3 games on the Giants Schedule: Falcons, Eagles, Cowboys. They will lose 2 out of 3 and go into the bye week with a 3-4 record before losing 3 consecutive games after the BYE to the Colts, Seahawks and 49ers. With the Giants then at a 3-7 record, NAB, your Dallas Cowboys could put the nail in the coffin on any hope these weasels have of a winning season by crushing them on Sunday Night Football in front of the whole country, bringing them to 8 losses with 5 left to play.
TL;DR: The Giants still suck and NAB is correct in his analysis that the Cowboys are the only team who shows a glimmer of hope to take down the Eagles this season.
go ahead. keep screaming "Shut The f**k Up " at me. it only makes my opinions Worse