I mean, how they get you is you just get off hard drugs or you were a serious drinker or what not, not a few times i'm talking daily or bi daily hard core drug use for years, and then 30 days later you run that person to a clinic and test him? of course you are going to find something wrong lol.
it took seriously about 5 to 6 months for me to get all of the mental crap i had going on in my head just back to normal. But I mean, I'm a pretty normal person. a tad introverted, but without drugs I function in everyday society just like everyone else does. date girls, go to work, have friends, watch football, just a normal dude.
they take you fresh off the street, then plop you in a clinic then tell you what is wrong with you. most dudes/girls there , have no problem with this beucase well they are prescribing you more drugs lol, and in some cases, drugs like xanax and stuff like that, so most addicts will happily take the diagnosis, but once I seriously wanted to get clean I didn't want any of that crap in me and I defiantly didn't' wantto have to pay for it.
man the whole thing, just a racket.
you go into your local county jail right now, i guarantee you at least half the people in there are in there for drugs.
The only way the war on drugs will stop is when it becomes more profitable for us not to continue it than it is to turn our heads like we do now. Because now there are guys making a killing on this
One secenerio in particular really just gets under my skin. I had this friend named Anthony we went through rehab together. He used to be a drug dealer, a big one at that, but he went to federal prison and honestly, got his life together. got out of jail, went got a job at the cheesecake factory lol, and just said you know what, i'm getting to old for that crap I'm going to just, chill and mellow out, and he did.
However, because he was still on federal parole, he had to take random tests. He gets popped for smoking weed. I mean, come on. little weed never hurt anyone, never was myt hing but still.
so they send him BACK to rehab, 45 days. he has to get a new job beucase the old one fired him. few months go by, they do this again, fails weed test, back to rehab, they make him stay at a chem free house and attend these meetings.
this burns me up for 2 reasons. First, Anthony, at this point in ihs life, is not a threat to anyone. he really isn't. goes to work comes home, lights up now and then. they are ruining this dudes life for some bullcrap.
secondly, the rehab they sent him to is $5700 a pop, that he doesn't have to pay a dime for, YOU and everyone here has to pay for it. he went 3 times, one with me and two more times. Then YOU have to pay for the meetings he goes to and YOU have to pay for the therapy sessions, when there is nothing wrong with him lol. he likes to smoke a little weed now and then, that's it.
that whole thing shows me everything that is wrong with the system. Making tax payers pay 15-20k in a year time frame to rehabilitate someone who isn't sick.