by Indy » Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:56 pm
Those have already been addressed.
What's classic is a guy who berates me for being a liberal partisan--i.e., a Democrat--is now claiming his objection to moving forward on pollution control is all about wage stagnation, jobs and working class people, sounding just like a Democrat.
This is what happens when you can't keep your story straight, which happens when you offer bogus reasons for why you oppose something. Like: you want to protect jobs.
Guess who else is trying to pull that tranny act? Yup, Mitch McConnell who now all of a sudden is super concerned about jobs and this will be a "job-killer."
Just like when he lies through his hanging jowls about how we should funnel all the nation's wealth into the 10%--mission SO accomplished--because this is getting money to "job creators."
And you're fooled by this? Geeeeeeesh I can't help you....