Are you on the autism spectrum, by any chance? A common symptom of autism is the inability to understand colloquial language. So, for instance, the phrase "Might is right." You seem to be under the deluded impression that "right" refers to a moral judgement. Whereas anyone with even a basic understanding of history knows immediately that it is referring to the idea of "right" as in "something you are entitled to do without consequence." The idea being that those who are most capable of exercising violence are entitled to do things without consequence, the opposite of that being, in this context, international law.
This completely explains why your opinion is so stupid. You've completely misinterpreted a basic turn of phrase, and proceeded to construct a strawman out of it. I'm honestly expecting you to ask "How do you turn a phrase?"
Me: "Might is right, so international law needs to be strengthened."
You: "This has nothing to do with right or wrong."
Me: "I agree."
You: "So why did you say might is right?"