by Boris Johnson » Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:59 am
Yes, the question is.
I had the misfortune to live in one of the most heroin ridden neighborhoods in Europe recently. Whilst prohibition is going nothing good there. To make it legal, by just completely dropping inforcement would increase the supply to a point where there would be a public health disaster within a few days. The same people would be in charge of supply also.
So yes, we can have another thread which is perhaps one person saying it shouldn't be done for the kids and everyone else congratulating each other on being enlightened. But part of the reason why more people involved in justice and public health arn't pushing hard to question the status quo is the extremely important question 'ok so what happens on day zero?'
I'm of the opinion, with most of the 'hard' that is to say medically harmful and highly addictive stuff, you'd need to have a huge, huge social welfare and public health campaign to address addiction in the worst cases years before, least legalization simply reduce to writing people off.
And the only way to completely pull the rug out from under the stairwell barons of the various ghettos' through major cities, would be to introduce a controlled most likely government supply on day zero of legalization.
Not quite the libertarian dream im afraid.