by fstarcstar » Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:46 pm
Regardless, it needs to be either left or right. It either all gets paid for, or none of it gets paid for. The mix and match stuff is ruining the current market, and honestly the money we make off of student loans should be well enough to start offering more scholarships or grants to students.
Personally, I think we should have pay-by-grade situation. I know it would be hard to justify, but a student that gets a 3.9 GPA should get nearly their entire school paid for. If a student flunks out, gets D's or F's and gets a 2.0 or something, we should charge them full price. (Hard to put into place.)
I could be wrong, and I would have to access and study some other education programs in other parts of the world like Germany, but I find it very much an incentive when you have to pay for your own education. We also need to consider the fact that Germany (as far as I remember) has a different system that will basically decide the futures for their students, so not everyone goes to "college" there.
We also need to consider the US culture surrounding college, i.e. sports. German colleges don't have to create million dollar sport programs and all kinds of other things we like to have here. I think its safe to say the idea of a free education isn't too farfetched honestly, its just how you go about it. Student loan debt is exploding here because we think we need a mac in every room with a projector, when elsewhere around the world they focus more on learning.