by NAB » Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:52 pm
Got around to seeing some of the other Oscar nominees I hadn't seen yet (one right before the awards and one a few days ago): Birdman and Whiplash.
Birdman: 7.5/10. Somewhat overrated as a whole (story), but the acting was pretty badass (over the top, but it was centered on Broadway, so that's to be expected) Ed Norton was particularly good imho.
Whiplash: 7/10. Silly premise but good acting. I've a particular bias on this one because I actually studied jazz for a brief period and the whole premise was nonsense, as was some of the "heros" the kid had (Buddy Rich, really?). The whole Charlie Parker story the movie is centered around was completely jerked with and missed what really made Parker great. Very Hollywood re-creation of course. That said, the music scenes were great and the two leads did a fine job. The kid was actually really good and did a nice understated job of showing that naïveté and singlemindedness someone at that age would have.
Still can't believe Linklater didn't get the director nod for Boyhood though. That was my personal standout film and it got stiffed for the most part. It was the one film that I saw that felt truly "real", which is a lot harder to do and requires restraint from a director rather than create the typical Oscar candidate which are usually full of overacting and over the top performances.