This thread is to discuss some ideas where this forum can be self moderating. I believe that even in a self moderating forum there should be some sort of hierarchy and established rules. But these rules should be easy for the moderators to enforce.
If it's technically possible:
Every user would get MOD POINTS. Moderators would get 10 points per vote, sub-moderators would get 5 points per vote, reputable users would get 2 points per vote, regular users would get 1 point, and new users would get 0 points. Who gets to be in each category can be determined by the Admin.
MOD POINTS would be like a "Hide This Post" vote. If a post gets 30 MOD POINT votes, then it gets moved to a locked forum. Users can still chose to response to the post in the locked forum, but they will be locked out for 30 minutes after each post mode in the locked forum. They can use their judgement whether or not they want to respond to it.