by Spider » Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:02 am
So um. Did Lena Headey really just walk nude through about a thousand extras for that shoot? Or was this a lot of clever body double work? Props to whoever it was plodding along. Damn.
And I echo that it was needless to kill Snow with that tiresome ritualistic mutiny. They were just starting to build up some of those Nights Watch characters.
Arya's scenes were terrific. Unlike Galt, I'm happy to see the mannis dead. Despised his stick-up-the-ass fanatic character from the books onward.
And I can't see anything intervening on the Sansa/Reek freefall situation that won't be stupid.
6.5/10 for the season. Couple of terrific episodes but mostly crap. Dorne. Christ.
At least now we finally all know nothing.