by John Galt » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:09 am
the hundred years war had truces but it was for the same crown
demanding germany pay the price for WWI which precipitated WWII does not make them the same war. they are related; II wouldn't have happened without The Great War, but they are not the same. lazy historians would be the only ones who would do this in the future. that historians will be lazy, I do not doubt saz, but if you are not lazy and actually look into them they are different. there are other causes as well. while the prussian empire largely united the german people, they were still not wholly united and nazi dream of united germans, which at the time were over a greater area (they were forcibly removed later) was part of the expansionism that drove it. and though the difference between the treaty of versaille and wilson's fourteen points made the germans (rightfully) angry and resentful, this doesn't mean it was the same war with a lull
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.