by Boris Johnson » Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:19 pm
I'm pretty confident 'ghosts' can be explained quite easily in order of likelihood
1) Priming causing auditory/visual hallucinations (seriously, priming is some powerful shit, everyone starts talking about ghosts in the house at the edge of town non stop for decades, people will actually think and perceive ambiguous stimuli around said house as 'ghosts' and will report it as such no matter how rational they think they are).
2) Temperature changes causing materials to move and the reach to explanation being 'spirits'. the reason nearly all cultures seem to have this, is most likely as Dennett notes (in one of his less quacky moments) a result of a 'hyperactive agent detection module' being something that is selected for. Better to think every bump is some sort of agent than not, when you've evolved as a hunter-gatherer ape living on the savannah.
3) Other psycho-neurological phenomenon. E.g magnetic stimulation of the temporal lobes. To see more google 'The god helmet'.
5 years in edinburgh, 'the most haunted city in the world', the whole thing is built on a series of mass graves for christs sake. Never saw anything that could not easily fall into 1)-3) and I saw and deliberately (often after a few drinks and feeling argumentative) went to quite a few sites that apparently were shitting ghosts on a regular basis.
What really gets me, is that people in modern society suckkle from the teat of highly complex technology all predicted on very precise physics and yet there's always space for the 'ghosts did it explanation'. Its an argument against mass disenfranchisement from the vote far as i'm concerned.