i really don't know why you don't play crusader kings 2 or europa universalis 4 eynon
Events given by having Deus Vult Casus Belli:
Trigger: Have Deus Vault CB, at war with infidel
Support for the war
"As we have declared that we will wage war on our religious enemies, the people have swung behind the war effort."
Option A: Deus Vult!
-2 War exhaustion
Trigger: Have Deus Vult CB, at peace, share border with infidel
People Angered by our failure to wage war
"For our failure to prosecute the war against the infidel, our people are upset."
Option A: We are just not quite ready yet
-1 Stability
Option B: Who are they to decide?
Gain 1 religious rebellion in random province of state religion