by Philly » Fri Sep 04, 2015 5:29 pm
Caught some of an interview Clinton did with Andrea Mitchell did today. Mitchell gave Clinton 10 minutes worth of questions and opportunities to sack up and address the emails. All she said was that other high ranking govt officials do the same thing and in retrospect it's caused a lot of problems and it's a shame that the whole thing is so confusing for the American people.
Jesus Christ. Who the f**k is running her communications and how does they still have jobs? She is playing right into the narrative against her.
Just say: "It was a MISTAKE on my part to use the personal server, which I take RESPONSIBILITY for. I am cooperating fully to make the information available, but I am SORRY that my choice to use a personal server has created such a distraction in the first place when we should be focused on so many other important issues."
So f**k easy. Take responsibility, agree to be forthcoming, move forward. But instead it's almost like she wants people to keep focusing on the e-mails. The George W. Bush school of PR where you never admit that you've ever made a mistake was viable back when everyone was pissed about 9/11 and no one wanted to second guess our leaders. It's not going to help Clinton.
Kane can keep putting his head in the sand, but it's not my opinion or Saz's opinion or anyone else's - it's fact that more and more of the voting public distrusts her by the day as this continues.
go ahead. keep screaming "Shut The f**k Up " at me. it only makes my opinions Worse