I love that the cartoon has the copyright date on it.
I was actually expecting a lot more from this thing. I kinda hoped (without real expectation) that this would be the moment Apple would wow everyone by copying Windows 10 and working a "tablet mode" into an X86 ipad Pro with OSX.
But no...they just made the ipad larger. Still a silly little phone OS. Just a big
nothing.Now watch as they sell millions of them.
Plus, of course:
"It's like we said on the iPad, if you see a stylus, they blew it."
-Steve Jobs
Combine the 32 gig ipad pro with the common accessories (cover, stylus) and you're well over a thousand bucks. And without a real OS.
MS has the opportunity to comprehensively shit all over Apple with the forthcoming cheaper and doubtless far superior Surface Pro 4. Not that sales will reflect it.
Apple could have built a monster if it had been running OSX.