To be fair, I actually provided a rationale for why I think it's wrong, whereas you just went on a tirade about how it's not my business to judge the personal choices of others, and then proceeded to judge the personal choices of others.
I don't know how many times I have to say that I don't want to change the laws, and that there should be no limits on abortion. What I specifically said is that there is nothing wrong with having an opinion and then working to get it embodied into law. That is what democracy and individual freedom is all about. Not to have rigorous debate shutdown arbitrarily because of some false distinction between personal/private matters.
What's especially shocking is your previous stance on ebola and denying people their constitutional rights in order to prevent the spread of disease. Medical treatment is a deeply personal decision. How dare you condemn people for selfishly breaking quarantine? Maybe you should mind your business.
Same with vaccinating kids. How a parent decides to treat their child is entirely their business. Who are you to tell them they should probably be vaccinated for polio or measles? How dare you even imply that such ignorance is something to be ashamed of.