each christmas the navy tries to bring home as many of their troops as possible. there have been 5 carriers and many more smaller vessels lined up in port in norfolk recently.
if they hit two ports at once with tactical nuclear strike on an unsuspecting american navy it would be crippling. it takes a decade to build a ship these days and can only be sped up so much, especially if you're also destroying the shipyards
do not discount russia
if we have the upper hand we win, but if they strike first it would seriously hinder our ability to operate against them with much of anything for a long time, and they would be free to do whatever it is they were wanting to do. invade the baltic? i dunno. whatever they were planning, some establishment of imperial borders or something
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.