Global warming is a theory promulgated by crackpots and despots, who use it to clamp down on the middle and lower classes by demanding evermore tax dollars, research dollars and American dollars. You can always tell a global warming wimp by the bumper stickers on their brand new SUV - too stupid to understand that climate science is fraught with certain unspeakable problems, too selfish to make any individual changes, they embrace a State of Fear and deal with it by giving the government a bigger and bigger hockey stick to beat people with. I've always said Follow The Money, and that's true here as well. Look at how people enrich themselves on climate research. Last year the Feds spent [b]$21 billion[/i] on climate-related research. 21 BILLION!!! That's the size of the American toy industry in 2012. One thing I want to know is where is my 21 billion for no longer smoking in the car when I drive my toddler to daycare? If these guys are spending twenty billion dollars per year on a problem so apparently obvious, then where are the results? I don't see any results, do you? Every year I'm told the earth is getting warming, usually while standing in five feet of snow, smoking a cig in the middle of a goddamn ice storm!
In the end, you can believe what you want to believe, but you're a goddamn sucker if you think there is anything to be done about our own actions, which don't have anything to do with the non-existent problem (like nature is a problem