by Ben Huh » Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:48 am
Here's a problem I have with climate change in regards to it as a political movement of some sort: Climate change has always happened and will always happen here on Earth, and yes, I believe that human pollution can exacerbate the effects of an already morphing climate. However, I can't sit here with a straight face and pretend like the pro-climate change side isn't as enthralled in political posturings as much as the other side is. There absolutely is a "politics of fear" being used by those who acknowledge climate change and human involvement within it, from stating multiple places in the US would be underwater by now, to numerous doomsday predictions, etc. Climate change needs to be confronted, as does Mobil being unethical in its business practices, but don't sell it to the public on fear, sell it to them on progression and science. If you tell someone that Arizona is gonna have beach-side property in ten years or that the world is gonna freeze over in the 90s, when that doesn't happen don't be surprised when people start thinking your climate change positions are more motivated by greed and ambition and not by actually giving a shit about climate change.
..."if the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit."