I can tell you from witnessing it that the FOX nation has absolutely POUNCED on this story this week, flogging it endlessly and unleashing fauxrage and dog-whistling even MORE intense than with Ferguson.
From the outset it was recast as, of course, innocent white people being terrorized by black thugs are their liberal accomplices. Then the story was pivoted from anything about the said incidents into a non-stop tape loop of that crazy woman professor asking for some "muscle" to make some journalist go away. Liberal bitch! Freedom-hater! Perfect example of how the libs are fascists! On and on it went, along with diatribes about how this is what a "liberal arts" education means (GET IT?) and how are colleges are nothing more than indoctrination centers for communist Muslim fascists. And black thugs.
Then it turned out some white dude was making all kinds of threats about going on a black shooting spree at Mizzou and got arrested, but it didn't faze the FN--one columnist actually tried to spin it as simply a bad joke to which law enforcement completely overreacted. I mean yeah: that's how literally black and white it has become.
Last I checked now the latest narrative was about some student VP who said something to the effect of she felt threatened and abused by some of the counter-demonstrators and thought the First Amendment was being used as an excuse for this and you can just imagine how that was recast: LIBERAL BITCH SAYS WE SHOULD GET RID OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT.
I mean, literal hysteria. Fanned at all corners by all the usual suspects who have not only drowned out the original claims that started this whole thing, but turned it into yet another jihad against The Left and black people, while portraying themselves as victims.
I've noticed a pattern over the past couple of years: whenever an ugly racial incident occurs that gets publicity, every effort is made to discredit the victims and recast the story as another example of white America being victimized by blacks, who are the real racists. Because we all know, pointing out racism is being racist. And the only people who believe otherwise are those dirty, fascist liberals who want to kill free speech and, you know, anyone having a problem with all the race-baiting and dog-whistling is being "PC." It's like the FN has a rapid reaction force that springs into action for these things and immediately unleashes a massive counter-propaganda campaign so any racial story no matter how valid gets snuffed.
It's just bizarre at this point. I've never seen this kind of level of racial fury since I've been alive. It's like we're moving backwards.