by lnrw » Sat Nov 14, 2015 3:41 am
The US is eternally on a war time footing. It has troops in more countries, prepared and ready to kill, maim, bomb and subjugate than the next 25 countries added together. Probably more. Right next door in Mexico, Central and South America, we have shooting wars of our own making and on our behalf. This will not end well, soon, painlessly or easily. And most certainly not without great personal loss of liberty and property to all of us, should we continue down the same insane path.
The lunatics are running the asylum.
The US a war machine.
It just didn't come home noticeably until 9/11. Even then, great pains were taken to keep it hidden from sight. Such as the clandestine coffin repatriation of soldiers dead bodies. Press complicity and silence on foreign actions, such as Mexico and Columbia. Gary Webb stimulate anyone's memory?
With all the attendant corruption, power grabs and failure that necessarily accompanies such massive government and massive government undertakings, thoroughly punished and ostracised whistle blowers, that it should be impossible not to notice what's going on. But collectively, we just whistle in the dark or pretend we have been left in the dark and can't comprehend what the elites are doing to us and the world. That somehow, it will all work out to our ultimate benefit. it won't.
Either people begin to realise that these ISIS and AQ threats are blowback and the direct results of unbelievably flawed foreign and domestic policy, propagated by idiots that shouldn't be allowed out of the house without handcuffs and close supervision, or we continue on the same destructive path until ruin.
Now, that the psychopaths have been unleashed into the general population, I can't imagine how to end the threats without total annihilation. ROEs and Geneva conventions will do nothing against these rubble rats. They will just crawl from the rubble and begin again.
Lifetime member of the NRA