by Professor » Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:52 pm
While we're talking about fried foods, a tip. When frying something, use an electric fryer or skillet that you can monitor temps. Never let it get above 350*. Then, use lard. The kind meant for cooking, like Crisco.
Why? Well, "frying oil" (or any type of liquid oil, including the best olive oil) is not meant to be consumed in any measurable quantity. Therefore, they are not required to be refined or filtered that much. However, Crisco is meant to be put directly into whatever dish you're making, and eaten (after being cooked). Therefore, it must be highly refined and pure.
What is the result? You can fry enough chicken for a family of 4, plus make homemade fries, and the house won't smell like you fried anything. It's all those impurities in regular oil that make a stink. So long as you don't burn the Crisco, the only thing you smell is the food.
As for weirdest fried things - I'd have to say that fried crickets are mine. Tasty, but weird. They serve them at the Audubon Insectarium here.
Best deep fried thing is the Monte Cristo sandwich, dipped in respberry jam. Best sauteed thing is flounder with crabmeat on top.